



AI Vision

Project name Customer requirement Process Used Purpose Improved functionality
Wafer Shifting Monitor​ Monitor wafer shifting​ Photo/​ Wet Etching Improve the defect rate caused by wafer shift in spin coating chamber. Monitor stage of wafer on stage in chamber. Alert and interlock when wafer shift.
Monitor wafer defect Monitor wafer defect​ Etching Improve the detection rate of wafer defect​ Alert the wafer defect in time, reduce the scrap rate of wafer efficiently and improve up time of equipment.​
Light source control and correction system​ Reduce errors due to the light source changing difference between equipment.​ AOI of Package​ Reduce the error rate and correct manually.​ 1. Measure the absolute value of light source, get the difference between light source of equipment.​

2. One click correct the difference of light source of equipment automatically.​

3. Original AOI light source signal decay function reminder and correction.
Location monitoring of wafer warping and shift​ Monitor wafer shift and warping​ Yellow light​ If wafer warping or shifting in chamber, it cause wafer defect.​ Monitor the chamber and alert and interlock when wafer is abnormal.
Monitor Nozzle leakage​ Monitor the nozzle for photoresist or strip or etching.​ Photo Track/Wet​ The liquid in nizzle after process drip on wafer and cause yield loss. AI vision monitor recognize the nozzle is abnormal or not.
Monitor Wafer position​ Monitor absolute position of wafer in each equipment ​ EFEM/TF/Plating/Etching​ Avoid the defect or scratch on wafer caused by wrong position on robot or loader or cassette. Monitor the position of wafer in time efficiently and reduce scrap rate and improve OEE.